Thursday, August 16, 2012

Winter Rose Wreath

I am new to crafts...I started by making a grapevine wreath like my sister-in-law had posted on her blog, Laforcebewithyou.  I saw this one and had to replicate it.  The good thing about it is that it doesn't take a lot of time or money.

Only a few things that you need for it:
one 16 or 18 in straw wreath
one roll of white yarn
one roll of heathered white yarn
needle and thread
one 8x12 in sheet of dark green felt
four or five 8x12 in sheet of red felt
hot glue gun
good fabric shears

I started by taking two long pieces of heathered yarn and one long piece of white yarn.  Glue the three ends to the straw wreath and wrap around it.  Continue this until the whole wreath is covered and you can't see the straw underneath the yarn.

I then cut out ten pointed leaves in various sizes from the green felt.  You will place these wherever on the wreath you like them under the roses.  I put three under the main rose on the burlap circle.

I cut a 12 in portion or so of the burlap from a roll I had.  I used a needle and thread to gather the burlap in a ruffled circle. I then cut the burlap circle to three inches in circumference. Take the three largest leaves and glue them to the burlap circle.

Next I make the roses.  I made several different sizes of roses.  For one rose, I cut one very large circle out of a single piece of felt.   For five roses, I cut the 8x12 in felt piece in half and then cut the halves into circles. Then I used the remaining half of a piece to cut two smaller circles for smaller roses. This makes a total of eight roses.  I played with them for a little bit to figure out how I liked the roses.  I decided that I liked them with the ruffles on the inside but solid on the outside.  I attained this look by cutting my circles as you see below...I cut up until the first loop of the spiral in bumps...the bumps portion became the inside of my rose followed by the solid for the outside edge.  The center was glued to the bottom.

 Then just arrange your flowers how you want them on your wreath. 

I have a glass door on the outside of my front door, so I will take a long piece of the burlap, stitch it together and loop it around the wreath and over the top of my door to hang it.

Hopefully you guys like this as much as I do!  I hope to make one for my mom as well.

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